Security in Android

Android is the  most widely used Operating System in the World. Initially it was developed by Android Inc. But in 2005 Google bought Android .Now Android is the property of Google.
Android is an open source OS. When can modify it it in different ways. 

Android provides us a lot of ways to interact with the system . As android is an open source source  OS that  is why there are a lot of chances of  Hacking and other privacy issues . Although Android provides many tools to maintain your security but you should also take some steps for our security.

There are few following steps for our security.

1- Install only required apps

     I have seen some people who always keep a large number of apps installed in their phone . Many of those apps are not used frequently by them . Those unnecessary apps have many disadvantages . They will effect reduce battery timing ,  free storage and the overall speed of your phone.

2 - Keep an eye on permissions

     Another good thing about android is that it shows exact permissions that we give to the applications. Different apps need different apps according to the their working e.g.a music player needs storage permissions to access music files and a selfie filter camera needs camera and storage permission for its working but if a music player  asks for sensitive permissions like camera and contacts then it does not seems good. According to google they take user privacy very seriously that is why they included permission control option for individual apps in the latest models of Android .

3 - Always use screen lock

     Always use a screen lock in your phone . It keeps your phone safe from unauthorized  usage and it will also protect your data in case if your phone is lost or stolen .

4 - Always backup your important data

     As you know that data is more important then the device itself . That  is why it is necessary to always backup your important data . You can use PC or some external storage device ( e.g. USB ) . Online drives ( e.g. Google drive & Dropbox ) can also be used for backup . If anything happens to your device then you can restore your data from backup .

5 - Keep unknown source app installation and USB debugging turned off if it in not in use . 

6 - Always try to install apps from Play store or from some other trusted Apps market .

7 - Do not install any App sent by an unknown person . If anyone recommends you some app then ask for Play Store link of that app .

     Hope these steps will increase the protection of your data and keep in mind that nothing is 100% secure on the internet .


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